I know this picture is blurred.....I'm not sure if it's because
by the time I took it, I was too tired to focus, or if I just
forgot to focus :>)
This is our 3 1/2 car garage that at this point holds one
(1) small car. The rest is devoted to the regular garage
type things and .....
stuff for Andy's Attic. I know I am not the only one who has
a garage that looks like this. I decided that it was time to get
a grip and try to make it better.
It isn't all my fault.....see the golf clubs? The
other set is somewhere else in the garage and
the pull cart is over on the other side. But it
is mostly my fault. I have all the "stuff" that
either goes to Andy's Attic, or my potting shed,
or the next flea market.
Our goal is to get 2 cars into the garage. My husband got
5 big shelf units at Costco and today we actually got some
of them up and are starting to get organized.
This is the small part of the wall that is relatively done.
We have a long way to go but I feel, now, that it really
can be done......that there is hope.......that I am not alone.
I'll keep you posted on the progress.
All of this does not come without wounds. My husband
dropped a 4X4 on his foot yesterday. He couldn't play golf
today. He can't wear a shoe. But it isn't broken so he was out
in the garage helping me again today. He is the best!!!
More later,
This is going to sound crazy, but all I can think now is: Will she be able to find what she's looking for, now that she's organized?! I spent a day organizing all of my crafting supplies into those plastic bins, labeled them, and I just know that the next time I go to look for something, I won't be able to find it. Your husband is a trooper, and I would love to go shopping in your garage!
OMG!! Poor Roger......Really, what's inside those bins.........what if you forget...? My garage is in fear now!! Love ya, Sue xoxo
Well my friend at least there is some totes on shelves.....That is the first step. My crap is piled on a bed in the garage for when my daughter decides to stay at home once every couple of weeks....I think its time for the bed to come down.....So the moral to the story, NOPE your not the only one. You should see my patio :(
Hugs Julie
I am so very proud of you!!! Doesn't it feel great? I am loving organizing everything...and I label each box with a sticky note taped on so I can't forget what's inside...It is such a great feeling...
need me to shop that garage to pare it down even more??
Bless your heart for trying, and bless Roger for helping you. Will his golf clubs fit in a bin too? Ha! Ha! That way he would know exactly where they are!
You are way better than me for organizing. I'm afraid there's no hope for me. I like to see all my junk. It reminds me that I don't need anymore!
That's a hard job to tackle, but it looks like you are making progress. We've got the same issues at our house, only worse, because I rent a storage unit and our garage is still packed too!
What Carol said.
I have to add that I was impressed by the "before" pictures...rows of stackable storage? With estate sale season about to start, you have inspired me to get cracking on our garage.
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