The name of my blog has changed to match the name of my Etsy shop Andy's Vintage Attic. The URL has not changed for the blog.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Have you seen this??

This is a new blog that lists

upcoming markets in various states around the country!!
Amy, from Into Vintage, has taken it upon herself to put
together this awesome resource. If you know of an upcoming
vintage market or are just looking to see what is going on
in your neck of the woods, please check this out. She is doing
this by searching and word of "blog" so help her out if you can...
Until next time be safe and happy,


Into Vintage said...

Thank you so much for this shout out. :-) I have a list of literally hundreds of shows for 2011 that I'll continue to share on Vintage Market Guide so we can all get out there and do some vintage shopping! -amy

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Wow what a great thing to do. This is really a nice resource to have. I really like your blog!

One Gal's Trash said...

Can't wait to meet you too...It's about time!

sherri s. said...

That IS all kinds of awesome! Wow...thanks for posting!

Uncovered Ruby said...

Fantastic, it's about time someone did this!! Thanks for sharing!! Lisa ;-)

Karen said...

So glad she's doing this! I'm going to take a! It was nice seeing you guys today! Hugs, Karen


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