The name of my blog has changed to match the name of my Etsy shop Andy's Vintage Attic. The URL has not changed for the blog.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friendship Friday

Those who know me know that friendship
is very important to me.  I put quotes about
friendship on my blog for a while and then stopped.  Don't know why.  But now I'm starting up again with
Friendship Friday.


"It seems to me that trying to live
without friends is like milking a bear
to get cream for your morning coffee.
It is a whole lot of trouble,
and then not worth much after you get it."

                        _______Zora Neale Hurston
Share your smile with a friend......    :>)


melanie said...

LOVE IT! The pic is great...thank you again for shopping til I fun!

Into Vintage said...

This is a timely post -- just last night I came across the photo of the two of us at AVG. One of my favorite photos (friends + junk!). Have a lovely weekend. xo -amy

Shabby Brocante, Karen said...

Boy, I love that picture! You just know those two friends got into a lot of fun trouble!

Kathy said...

What a great idea! I am looking forward to the weekly posts. Love that photo. Old pictures are one of my favorite things.

Bee & Mason said...

I love your quote, I'm trying to imagine you milking a bear. Heehee!
I think friends are so much more fun. Not that I've tried to milk a bear.

Evi said...

that photo is wonderful. You know how I feel about friendship.
Love, love being with my friends and sharing.
Boy, I am just trying to picture getting milk from a bear. Maybe while she is in hybernation......
Warm hugs,

Mitzi said...

I love that quote, Annette! It's great being your friend, too!

sherri s. said...

Sweet! What would we DO without our friends? (Be very sad, for one!)

Sherry at The Rusty Pearl said...

I found your blog.. Love it here .. Just fabulous... .............. Hugs from Sherry @ The Rusty Pearl


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