The name of my blog has changed to match the name of my Etsy shop Andy's Vintage Attic. The URL has not changed for the blog.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Hold Outs

This hydrangea has one fall holdout. 

One bloom that has not faded... 

The cosmos are still in bloom. 

A couple of fuchsias are still holding out. 

The blue sage is as blue as ever. 

And the little volunteer violas are doing
their thing.

I don't like watching the flowers fade in
the fall.  I concentrate on the ones that
are still trying to be beautiful.  Before
long they too will fade, and winter will
bring the rain to prepare for next year. 


Kathy said...

Beautiful! My last hydrangea bloom has faded to violet just this past week. Fall is in the air for sure! And I seriously wouldn't mind a day of good soaking rain. We are watering and watering but the soil is dry so far down now that it barely seems to make a difference.

Bee & Mason said...

Don't you just love a floral Indian Summer, so far it's been nicer then our actual summer. I like your outlook. :)

Into Vintage said...

My flower pots are fading as well, especially with the last few mornings of frost (!) here. Your cosmos look amazing!

★Carol★ said...

I think this is the time when I appreciate my flowers the most. My neighbor has cut down and dumped out almost all of her flowers, because she doesn't want to do it when it's cold. I can't bear to do that!

LOVE all of the pink and blue you've still got blooming!

sherri s. said...

Lovely! Cosmos are some of my favorites--they self-sow every year and I'm always happy to see them.


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