This is our guest room. We don't have many guests
as nobody likes us most of our friends and
relatives live nearby. This bedroom set has been passed
down to the oldest daughter since it belonged to my
great grandmother. It includes a dresser and side
table not in the pictures.
I am moving my Andy's Attic "office" into this room.It means rearranging things a bit but will give me a private
place for all my junk.
starting today. I am very excited about this change and
quite frankly it is all I think about.
Moving my things out of our shared office means another
project down the road.......redo of the office. How fun is
that?? One of these days the house will be finished.
More of the project soon,
PS Thank you to all who commented on the new blog look.
I am still working on changing a few things and appreciate the
feedback very much!!