(from A Vintage Gathering June show)
I may have actually figured out how to post again. Not being
a computer person it has taken me several trial and errors. Thank you
to Kluless for help and advise. If this publishes then I am back and
will have updates on what has been going on....here goes
I was just thinking about you and your potting shed yesterday! I'm glad you're back, and I see lots of goodies in that picture that I would have taken home with me!
Happy Weekend,
Glad to see you're back! Hope you'll post more AVG pics when you can :-)
I'm glad it worked out and good to have you back!
Well! Glad to see it is on again, Annette! I too have blogger issues..cannot get 2 picture has been removed things off my blog! Changes in the works in my life. Hope to be posting soon.
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