This is my Potting Shed, aka Big Girls Playhouse, aka
Potting Cottage.
It's been up for a couple of years, but unfinished on the inside.
So in winter it is too cold and in summer ---too hot!
So it is getting "finished"!
has so much stuff in there?) (What about all the stuff
in the garage that I got because "it will be so cute in the
potting shed" ?)
What am I going to do with all the stuff??? Hmmm.
What am I going to do with all the stuff??? Hmmm.
First we get insulation to keep the temp under control.
And then we add plywood to act as a backing for the ..........
well, in about a week it will be complete and I will show
you pictures then.
This shed has been a dream of mine for years. After realizing
that he can't "do it himself" my super husband got
someone to do it. It will be done soon and I will be able to
paint it and hang things and arrange things and be
out there anytime I want/need to!!
Until then, may all your dreams come true,