Today I went to Uncovered Ruby to "fluff" my little Attic. I took out a desk
and put in a table and really had planned on not doing much more. I had
packed a few items to add to the space but told myself that I need to get
home to work on things for the Vintage Gathering Christmas Emporium.
And then something came over me. You may know the feeling.....things
just need to be rearranged. Not just fluffed, but put in new places, moved
around, given a new look. My husband calls it "playing house" when I do it
around, given a new look. My husband calls it "playing house" when I do it
at home. So I guess this would be called "playing Attic"? All I know is that
when it is done, I secretly know that it will never be "done". And so at some
point I just say OK and walk away, knowing that I will be back to "play Attic"
another day.
Now back to work............Annette (I think some little gremlins got in my
blog and "fluffed" this post)