The name of my blog has changed to match the name of my Etsy shop Andy's Vintage Attic. The URL has not changed for the blog.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

There is still time!!!

YES!!!! There is still time to win this
fabulous magazine. Monday after 5 PM
Pacific Time I will draw a winner. Just leave me
a comment and/or become a follower for a
chance(s) to win. Good luck,


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Places to Explore

The Olive Kat is a great new shop in Vancouver, WA.

Located within a nursery (think flowers) the sweet

French doors beckon you to enter. The potting bench and

others inside are made for sale and are very reasonable.

Veronica and her husband Matt have collected pyrex

for many years. You may have seen them at our

Vintage Gatherings selling their wares.

They have so many kinds of pyrex it boggles my mind.

But the shop includes many more goodies than just pyrex.

They have vintage mixed with new.

They have shabby.

Hand made hats and old thermos'.....and some bling!

And Parisian flair. It is a fun shop to explore.

Always changing, great to find a gift for a

friend or for yourself. The prices are very

good and Veronica is a sweetheart! Please go

visit. They have a blog at
And there is a new blog in town. Michelle of My Shabby
Passion has started a new
She has a space inside Uncovered Ruby and also joins in our
Vintage Gathering Flea Markets as well as other events.
Please check her out, too.
And don't forget my giveaway on the previous post. Just leave a
comment and/or become a follower to get your name in the hat.
Good luck, Annette

Monday, February 22, 2010

50th Post and a Giveaway

This is the famous and fabulous Mt. St. Helens.
This is the view I have as I drive home.

I should say it is the view on a sunny day. We in the Pacific
Northwest tend to take our beautiful mountains a little
for granted. But after several days/weeks of winter rain,
the sun comes out and rewards us with this.

I grew up going to Mt. St. Helens and staying at the
lodge, fishing on Spirit Lake. They are all gone now...I was
in Portland, OR the day the mountain blew up, May 18th
1980. Almost 30 years ago....hard to believe. The devastation
was enormous, tragic. But I still love "our" mountain and
am grateful I can see her so often. But on to the Giveaway...

This my 50th post. Not monumental to some,
but it is to me. Many times I have thought of
stopping the blog but just kept going. So,
making it to 50 is a big deal. You have probably
heard all the news about this wonderful new magazine,
Flea Market Style. A copy could be yours. It is full
of wonder! Our local Barn House is featured and
Queen of Tarte (just across the river) is in there, too!
Not to mention many more fabulous pages to enjoy.

How to win??? Just leave me a comment between now and
March 1st on this post and/or future posts. Every comment
qualifies as a chance to win and if you become a Follower you
get another chance.
I will draw the winner next Monday evening March 1st.

Good luck and as always, thank you for stopping by,

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ruby Red Girl's Night Out

Please join us for a Girl's Night Out. Friday evening from
5 to 8 PM at Uncovered Ruby .

Just wear your Ruby Red...clothes, hat, jewelry, scarf...
anything. This will qualify you for 15% off of one item.
But wait, there's more...

There will be "new" items brought in by the vendors and
put on sale for the evening. Who knows what wonderful
things are waiting to come into the store. But wait...
there's more.....

There also will be goodies to be had and of course fun, fun,

So mark your calender and join us Friday 5 to 8 PM at
Uncovered Ruby
510 E. Main St.
Battle Ground, WA 98604

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Old Dog, New Tricks

I am not "crafty". But, I figured I could still learn. Even
though I am over 60, the brain still functions well. (Usually)
So I signed up for the Artist Class that you may have seen
on some of the blogs. I have had this glue gun for years,
but this is the first time I've plugged it in.

They give tutorials with step by step instructions. The
instructions include pictures. They are very well done and
it seems that anyone could do what they describe. Well,
you see the accordion folded sheet music?? I couldn't make
it fit into the project the way it was supposed to.

Munchy is keeping an eye on me because very strange
noises are coming out of my mouth. And a few things
have landed loudly on the desk. And she can tell I am
frustrated beyond control!! You see, patience is something
that I have for other people and animals, but not for myself.
I should be able to figure this out.

But I couldn't wait that long. So I improvised.
That's what creative, crafty people do, right?
This is the end result of the Valentine's Day

Now, see the kind of floral ribbon going around the
center and under the white crepe paper?? That was
supposed to be the accordion folded sheet music.
And the little bird??? He was to be glued on the
heart and have the Happy V Day sign coming out
of his beak. But his little feet got in the way and I
just couldn't cut them off his little legs.

For my first try the end result is OK. It is hanging
in my home where people can see it. There are many
more projects in this class and I may share more with
you. I must say that right now I am not sure that
an old dog can learn new tricks, but she sure can

Have a good night,


Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it SPRING yet???

Today was a very pretty day for February in the Great
NorthWest. So I got "Spring Fever". This is the
Potting Shed...or as some refer to it...The Cottage. This
is my little space that I am supposed to share with my
husband. He wants to use part of it as a green house. We
still have to finish the inside with insulation and walls and already has a heater and an air conditioner. (Oh,
yes, it's The Cottage.)

As you may be able to tell I have moved in. This is all
my stuff! I started to get it ready to work on my things
for Andy's Attic. But then it got cold and the heater wasn't
strong enough to keep it warm without some insulation.
And this is where we store things for the winter. UGH.

But don't you see why I have Spring Fever??? I just want
to be out there with all my stuff!!

This is the workbench, or display bench, or place where
I put things that I like to have around.

And this is a closer view of one of my many collections...
....small flower pots.....many colors...many styles. This is
only the part of the collection that will fit on this particular
shelf. Oh, my, the more I blog about my collections, the more
concerned I get about how many there are and how much
"stuff" I have. But you understand, don't you?? How you
find that cute little pot shaped like a bunny and it would be
so sweet with the other pots and so it comes home with you?
I know someone out there understands this. And I walk in
to "The Cottage" and feel blissful, relaxed, and content.

So SPRING needs to get here so I can move the stored
summer furniture out of my Cottage and move myself in!!
What do you want to do when Spring arrives??

Until I blogitate again,



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